Monthly Archives: October 2012

Thoughts on Mr. Obama’s Speech in Miami Today (Updated)

Via Talking Points Memo, here’s a highlight from the talk:

If that doesn’t work, here’s a direct link.

As TPM notes, as a rally-the-troops kind of a speech President Obama’s Miami speech was a big success — the President had energy, he got himself going, and he got the crowd going.

And it did a good job of taking the fight to the other guy, unlike a certain recent debate performance.

But as a description of what Obama would actually do in the next four years the speech — like the whole campaign — was a little weak: end the war in Afghanistan, stay the course on the recovery, hire some teachers, make education more affordable (somehow), make a deal with Republicans to cut $1 trillion or more from the budget (queuecue the Catfood Commission).

The key for the Obama campaign has been and remains to demonize Romney, a process that very largely consists of just telling the truth about him. But that’s why the debate hurt so: for the mythical low-information undecided voter, who was just tuning and was relentlessly ignorant of everything Romney has been saying and doing for past two years, it’s all too possible Romney looked good, or at least neither dangerous nor demonic.

Update: While I’m swiping video from TPM, I really ought to include this — an analysis of Romney’s debate performance. It really deserves to work:

Just one thing: This video isn’t by Team Obama at all! It is by something called CannonfireVideo.

Update2: This following video, on the other hand, is by the ‘Obama Truth Team’:

Posted in 2012 Election, U.Miami | 2 Comments

Obama Speaks (2)


– Romney denies tax plan that’s on his website
– counting on fact that what he’s selling is what “got us into the mess in the first place”
– his plan will not create jobs, help the economy, help the middle class

[What’s so amazing about this is it’s all NEGATIVE …. it’s as if Obama were the challenger! And indeed, now we get a little more positive…]

– you know what does create jobs? supporting US small businesses
– need to stop rewarding companies that send jobs overseas.
– control more of our own energy; we are raising fuel standards so cars will go twice as far as a gallon of gas; Us is less dependent on foreign oil than any time in two decades.
– cut $4 bn taxpayer welfare for oil companies
– don’t let china win the race for clean energy technology, do it here in Florida
– reduce the carbon pollution that is heating our planet
– ensure every young person in America gets the education they need to compete (“education is the only reason that I’m standing here today….the gateway to a middle class life”). Now you have a choice: what about our kids for then next for years? our economy for the next 40 years?
– Lower tuition costs for our young people [but no specifics there!]
(Audience member: “I love you Obama” reply: “I love you back”)
– use peace dividend from ending wars to build roads and bridges
– Romney said it was tragic to withdraw from Iraq. “I think it was the right thing to do.” [Irony: the Iraqis kicked us out; Obama would have left a very large force there after the ‘pullout’ if he could have.]
– Cut $1trillion in spending, working with Republicans, but ask wealthiest over $250K to pay a little more. Just as Bill Clinton did.
– Romney view different: says it’s fair for him to pay a lower tax rate than teacher making $50,000/year. (Crowd: Booo) “Don’t boo, vote!”
-My opponent says he can cut taxes, increase military spending, reduce the deficit. Only thing he says he would cut is Big Bird. Now he says growth of economy would pay for it; that’s what caused this deficit, we know it doesn’t work. That is the choice of this election.
– Romney has a ‘you’re on your own’ philosophy…”that’s not how we built this country….we’re all in this together.”
– You are the reason why Obamacare is saving $ for seniors
– You are the reason why young immigrants can go to school and pledge allegiance to the flag
– we can’t be tired, we have to keep going, “if you buy into the cynicism … if you buy into the idea that your voice can’t make a difference” then other voices will fill the gap…the people with the $10 million checks trying to buy the election…only you can make sure that doesn’t happen.
-On Oct 27nd you can choose … to keep moving forward.
– You can choose to end the Afghan war realistically.
– You can turn back the clock 50 years for immigrants, for women for gays, for lesbians or you can have a country where anyone can succeed no matter what you look like no matter where you come from no matter who you love. That’s why I’m asking for your vote.
– Back in ’08 I won but 47% didn’t vote for me, but I didn’t dismiss them. I said I heard them. I have been fighting for every American.
– I still believe in you but I need you to keep believing in me.
– With your help, we’ll win Florida, we’ll win this election.

Then a big handshaking with the crowd, and after 30 minutes of stemwinding, it’s over.

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Obama Speaks

Obama works the crowd – mentions Joe Garcia among others.

“We’ve got some work do Miami: we’ve got an election to win”

“I need your help to finish what we started. Think about where we’ve been and how far we’ve come.”

Here’s a paraphrase/ summary of the main points he talks fast) only parts in quotes are verbatim:
– ended the war in Iraq and we did
– I said we’d end the war in Afghanistan and we are.
– “Al Qaeda is on the run and Bin Laden is dead”
– talks about all his tax cuts for the middle class
– claims we got all the money we used to bailout banks and got repaid “with interest”
– we passed health care “aka Obamacare” (big! cheers)
– we repealed don’t ask don’t tell
– didn’t take Gov Romeny’s advice to let car industry go under
– businesses have added new jobs; unemployemnt is down from it’s peak to under 8%
– home values are on the rise
– “we’re not where we need to be, not yet….too many friends and neighbors looking for work…homes underwater…young people burdened with debt when they graduate from college.”
“we’ve gone too far to turn back now … why would we go back? the last thing we can afford Florida is 4 years of the very same policies” that got us into the mess “that’s why I’m running for a second term”
– I’ve seen too much pain caused by bad economics to allow a return to it.
– Centerpiece of Romney plan is 20% tax cuts for rich americas (boos) “don’t boo, vote!” (cheers)
– tax cuts for top 1%…you wouldn’t know this from the new mitt Romney ….”extreme makeover”….after being a “severe conservative” he now wants you to think “he was extremely kidding”
– old things weren’t selling; now he’s for things he was against, eg. teachers, even some parts of Obamacare!

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Obama Speech (3)

Nelson makes a big pitch for early voting – warns people there is not voting the Sunday immediately before the election. Nelson acts as if he has a pulse; I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him animated before.

3:05 Nelson’s done. We have in interregnum. Meanwhile the seats are all filled. The crowd cheers and stands…but it’s too early…way too early….and we’re back to loud recorded music. Then …

To introduce the President of the United States please welcome Elizabeth [Bush?]. She introduces herself as a Freshman at UM (“I’ve been volunteering with Canes for Obama since my first week of school.”) She notes Obama’s efforts for Pell grants, to cut costs of student loans (and this is in my opinion a genuine Obama achievement, one Romney has criticized).

Early voting starts on October 27, or you can vote absentee.

“Miami, this election is a clear choice between a politician who doesn’t understand us and a President who does.”

and we’re off…

[Note:first two paragraphs got left out accidentally, were added later]

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Obama Speech(2)

Field organizer asks people to take out their phones. Asks people to Text “GIVE” to 62262 and send $10. Or do a shift as a volunteer – text “FLORIDA” to 62262 to volunteer. Or download the Obama 2012 app.

The crowd likes it and shouts “Four More Years”.

Next is Debbie Wasserman Shultz. She makes a “U” — The crowd loves her. She’s beaming. (I’m still sore about not her not supporting Joe Garcia more energetically in 2008, but I’m an old grouch.) But she sure knows how to work the crowd. Her big line: this election, “it’s personal!” It’s about health care, about medicare for seniors, and for students. (Are there any hurricanes in the house? Gets “YAY” followed by chants of “FIU FIU FIU” then cross-booing … sounds almost ugly for a moment. But pro that she is, DWS gets them back on track – “we are all here on Team Obama”.

Meanwhile the folks behind me are clamoring for attention. I have a great photo but the local wireless is too congested for my phone to upload it.

Update – here it is:

Then it’s Senator Bill Nelson. He makes a “U” and the crowd loves it. I was born in Miami, and my dad was a member of the first law class at UM. We found an old photo … A quarter of that class were women in 1926!

On substance, Nelson is pretty good. He goes after Romney/Ryan for the “cuts to Medicare” lie. And for Romney’s abortion remarks “what has he said consistently throughout the campaign? Exactly the opposite.”

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Obama to Speak in About an Hour

Team Obama came through with a press pass as part of their high-test blogger outreach, so (after a very very circuitous walk around the perimeter of the security cordon, I’m in the Bank United Center. The public is still filing in through the main entrance, but it looks to fill up.

Starting about 2:30 we had a brief Welcome, the Pledge of Allegiance, a highly nationalistic benediction. Now we’re having a folksy, crowd-pleasing talk from Florida field organizer which is becoming a call for volunteers.

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