Reposted from Jotwell.com:
Today is Jotwell’s 13th birthday. (Yes, it’s hard to believe, but check the Archives.) We’ll be celebrating this event for the next fortnight by running two posts a day. The second post will run weekdays in the mid-afternoon, around 3pm U.S. East Coast time.
We’ll also be celebrating by having a quiet fund-raiser. Visitors to the site will see a red banner at the bottom of the page about the double-posting, and inviting reader donations. Alas, people who get Jotwell via the RSS feed or by email will be denied that experience, although they will get any extra posts in the sections they signed up for. But there is no reason for the hundreds of people who read us via the RSS feed–or by email–to be left out.
So here’s the pitch: However you read Jotwell, please will you make a small donation to support this journal? All the faculty who write for and edit Jotwell do so for free, but even so, producing the journal is not costless: we need to pay for our server, for our student editors, and for various types of technical and design support, including keeping up with a procession of software updates. This adds up.
We don’t charge for Jotwell and we don’t run any ads, and we would like to keep it that way. If every Jotwell reader donated just $10 a year, we’d cover all of our costs…but alas not everyone is generous.
If you can afford it, please don’t be a free rider. If you like us lots–or even just some–please make a small donation? Of course, if you want to make a large one we would not say no to that either.
In any case, we thank you for reading, and look forward to another year in which we celebrate the best recent scholarship relevant to the law.
Yours sincerely,
A. Michael Froomkin
Jotwell Editor-in-Chief