Category Archives: Politics: US: 2006 Election

Planted Questions

Crooks & Liars says that this is a great ad. And boy are they right:

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The Song That Keeps on Giving

It’s the “Had Enough” Song — being customized all over the country. Here’s the Ned Lamont/Joe Lieberman version:

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Ned Lamont Uses Lieberman’s Own Words Against Him

This, on the other hand, is a pretty good ad:

This one is pretty good too, although not as good as Steele’s anti-scare tactics ad.

There’s something funny going on in Connecticut. The polls show Lieberman is ahead of Lamont — either a lot or some, but more than a little. But Lieberman is having some kind of personal meltdown. He’s running around contradicting himself in ways that are transparently obvious, trivially easy to show they are contradictory to what he said sometimes only days earlier. For example about Rumsfeld (total about face), about his position on the Hastert investigation. And then there’s his yukfest about torturing Democrats.

Is it panic? Denial? Contempt for the voter? I have no idea. Maybe it has something to do with this:

Posted in Politics: US: 2006 Election | 1 Comment

Jim Webb’s Latest Ad: Not as Good As I’d Wish

Jim Web has a new ad today, half attack ad on Allen, quarter defense, quarter pander-positive.

It’s ok, but it’s not as good as I’d wish it to be. Too many messages, production values only get a B, and I can’t see it closing a sale. Not to mention there’s pretty little of the actual candidate in it and he looks like a waxy automaton.

Posted in Politics: US: 2006 Election | 1 Comment

Latest Allen TV Ad

The Washington Post’s Marc Fischer thinks George Allen’s latest commercial is economical with the truth: George Allen’s Zen Ad: Can You Be Misquoted If You Were Never Quoted? It’s a nasty ad, and might be effective unless the counter-story gets out. An example of how money can tell in the last weeks of a campaign.

Incidentally, a commentator on Fischer’s blog has a real zinger: Senator Allen “isn’t so much an empty suit, as an empty sheet.”

The real question is whether Webb’s lawyers are going to ask stations to take down the ad on the grounds that it is simply false. Not that half of them would care. (I see that the DSCC has issued a press release, but that’s not the same thing.)

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Jeb Bush in the Closet

Joshua Micah Marshall had a great little item about Republicans on the run. In it he quotes this item about Jeb Bush’s visit to Pennsylvania to prop up the doomed campaign of Sen. Santorum, as reported by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:

Mr. Bush had been walking in the area near the T-station and the incident happened spontaneously when about 50 pickets “tailed him and stayed with him and went into the Wood Street station.”

. . .

Mr. Grove said a Port Authority canine unit was called in to help with crowd control. Two officers used their tasers to stun two protesters who “were asked to leave, but did not go,” Mr. Grove said.

The tasers he said were empty of the cartridges that supply a more powerful charge.

“It was a very tense situation. They were very close to the governor and shouting on top of him.”

As a precaution, the governor was ushered into a T-station supply closet and stayed there until the crowd left.

Josh Marshall closes by saying that “When I said Republicans were on the run, this isn’t quite what I had in mind.”

To me, though, the amazing part of the story is a reporter saying that Jeb Bush was in the closet.

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