Monthly Archives: March 2012

The App that Ate the Plastic Card

There’s a lot of smart stuff about why the mobile Starbucks phone app caught on and the Mondex digital cash card failed in Dave Birch’s latest at ‘Consult Hyperion’. If you are into e-payments, you should read it, but then if you are into e-payments you’ve probably been reading him for a long time.

All this is partly an excuse to repost this paragraph, that made me laugh:

Incidentally, I got an e-mail from Starbucks telling me that from now on if I use my Starbucks app to buy in-store then the staff can call me by my name. I had to go and log in to my Starbucks account to find out what name I’d used when I set it up. Naturally, I hadn’t used my “real name”, which in this case is pretty handy. When they call out “Latte with extra shot for Dave” there might be many Daves and so confusion, but when they call out “Latte with extra shot for Theogenes de Montford” I’m pretty sure I’ll be the only one up at the counter. But I digress.

I so get that. But somehow I never do it.

Posted in Cryptography, ID Cards and Identification | 2 Comments

US News Rankings Season Again

Is the “69th best law school” significantly better than the “77th best law school in America”? Eight places, sounds like something. How about compared to the “82nd best law school” in America? That’s a 13 place difference, surely it should mean something, shouldn’t it? But it’s not as good as the “60th best law school in America” is it?

But what if they are all the same school in different years? And what if the whole ranking system is, save for fairly large differences, pretty much a sham?

As I said a a few years ago:

fishSome years we get a lower score than the year before, and then I think I shouldn’t carp about the whole thing for fear of it looking like sour grapes. Some years we get a higher score than the year before, and then I carp.

The idea of ranking law schools is not ridiculous. The way US News does it is very ridiculous. The survey data relies on the opinions of people who in most cases may be very informed about a few law schools but as a class are not likely to be particularly well informed about many law schools — even though they may be judges, hiring partners, law Deans and professors. And increasingly the survey data is self-referential: people have heard school X has a high/low ranking, so it must be good/bad, right?

At its grossest level, there is no doubt US News captures something real: the top N schools (10? 14? 15? 20? 20+?) really are better than the middle N or lowest N. But are the middle N significantly better than the bottom N? Sometimes, yes, but only sometimes. Here the picture gets very cloudy — not least because “better” ought to be “better for whom”; once you get away from the most elite, best resourced (i.e. high endowment), most prestigious law schools, what is best depends on factors that are personal: urban/rural, North/South, East/Middle/West, large/small, best in town/best town and so on.

The US News systems are designed to churn. Changed numbers sells magazines. Having the numbers stay the same doesn’t. Yet it’s hard to believe many schools change very much from year to year. Yes, once a while a school suffers a crisis or an epiphany, but those are pretty rare events.

There are inbuilt biases in the US News scoring system that favor small schools, and schools in cities with high starting salaries. Not to mention that in South Florida the market has more medium-sized firms than in other cities our size, and those firms rarely make offers until a candidate has passed the bar, notably depressing the ’employment at graduation’ rate.

I sympathize with aspiring students who need a guide to the perplexed when sorting through their options. It’s such a shame that the information market’s first-mover advantage has allowed such a crummy measure to dominate.

Anyway, we went up eight places this year, continuing our record of high volatility that has seen numbers from 60-82 in a small number of years. I suppose the Dean and the alumni will be happy, and that’s always nice. Personally, I’d put UM somewhere in the 45-60 range, but I suppose I’m biased.

Update: Or maybe I’m not. TaxProf Blog notes that Miami’s peer rank (rank by how professors at other schools see it) is 51.

Posted in Law School, U.Miami | 4 Comments

Why Can’t They Just Get Along?

Assume that Mitt Romney is going to be the GOP nominee eventually. It’s clear that a slice of the base would rather have Rick Santorum and that they are not going to give up easily. Thus, any friend of the party must be concerned that the ongoing battle will just bleed Romney’s campaign of funds, and provide soundbites for Obama to use against him in the general election.

Isn’t it time, therefore, that all friends of the Republican Party urged Mitt Romney to promise to make Santorum his vice presidential nominee in exchange for his support, and thus unify the party before the internecine fighting becomes too much?

Or, they could just let the food fight escalate and provide free entertainment for Democrats.

Posted in 2012 Election | 1 Comment

Really, I’m Fine

My mother called today to find out why I haven’t been blogging.

Really, I’m fine. I’m just busy.

Posted in Personal | 1 Comment

Must-See Video for South Floridians

See what your neighboring wildlife is up to.

Hop over to Eye on Miami, Alligator vs. Python.

Perhaps not suited for the very squeamish. But what are the very squeamish doing in South Florida anyway?

Posted in Miami | 1 Comment

Breaking: Lawyers Only SECOND Most Sleep-Deprived Profession

Home health aides are #1 by a full three minutes.

NYT, America’s 10 Most Sleep-Deprived Jobs.

Spotted via Slashdot, which totally missed the story: Computer Programmers Only the 5th Most Sleep Deprived Profession.

Posted in Law: Practice | Comments Off on Breaking: Lawyers Only SECOND Most Sleep-Deprived Profession