Category Archives: Politics: Tinfoil

Paranoia Strikes Deep In the Heartland (V)

Countdown: Obama's Speech vs the Right Wing Indoctrination Freak Out | Video Cafe

Posted in Politics: Tinfoil | 2 Comments

Media Matters Patiently (Pointlessly?) Rebuts Each and Every Birther Claim

Media Matters Action Network has produced The Definitive Birther Takedown.

I guess it's handy to have a one-stop-shopping site for this, but as I said earlier, the people who believe this stuff are not going to be swayed by mere facts. Facts, it is well known, have a liberal bias.

Posted in Politics: Tinfoil | 12 Comments

The GOP Has Troubles With Reality

Mike Stark has turned his talent for ambush journalism to Republican Congressmen. He asked them if they personally believed that Barack Obama is legally entitled to be President of the United States. Almost none of them would affirm this belief on camera. Watch Birthers on the Hill and be amazed, disgusted, or worried, depending on your emotional fortitude.

Incidentally, anyone who is unaware of the literal incoherence of the Birther arguments need look no further than this appearance of Birther spokesperson, right-wing radio host, and former Watergate conspirator and felon G. Gordon Liddy on Hardball:

Chris Matthews's best move here wasn't confronting Liddy with documentary evidence he is wrong — mere documents failed to move him, as they failed to move so many of the crazies in the Birther cult — but rather his spinning the Birther view to its logical conclusion: If, as they argue, President Obama was born abroad, not only is he ineligible to be President as he's not a 'natural born citizen' but the President is an illegal alien who should be deported since he's never been naturalized and doesn't have a visa. Liddy swallowed that, but this is so crazy that it's going to turn the press — except maybe Lou Dobbs who conceivably might lose his job over this — against them.

Note also that Liddy's reference to a “deposition” is a fiction — the actual source of this canard is a mistranslation in an interview.

More here and here if you need it.

Back when I lived in England, both sherry-drinking and beer-drinking intellectuals in the UK used to deride the British Tory part as “the stupid party”. Today British intellectuals boast that whatever their Tories may be, they're not as crazy as the US Republican party. They don't give people with burglary convictions radio shows in the UK either.

Posted in Law: Constitutional Law, Politics: Tinfoil | 8 Comments

White House Fear-Mongered With Threats of Martial Law???

According to Rep. Brad Sherman, speaking on the House floor, the administration sought to whip House members into supporting the original bailiout by threatening not just economic collapse but — in some cases — suggesting things would get so bad we'd need martial law.

Here's the YouTube clip:

As far as I know, Rep. Sherman is not one the House's notorious loons. On the other hand, his testimony is hearsay. Plus, he's not saying that the Administration was threatening anything nefarious, rather the White House was just painting disaster scenarios — but that's bad enough, thank you.

There are some rays of light in this gloom. I gather that someone slipped into the redrafted bill the power to demand equity stakes from the banks feeding at the federal trough. That doesn't address the pricing issue, and it's just an option not a requirement, but it's something.

Then again, so far the markets seem to have shrugged off the value of this move. “$700bn and nothing doing” is much worse than “400 channels and nothing on”.

Posted in Econ & Money: Mortgage Mess, Politics: Tinfoil | Comments Off on White House Fear-Mongered With Threats of Martial Law???

FBI Keeping Lid on 9-11 Complaints

CQ Politics | SpyTalk – FBI Prevents Agents from Telling 'Truth' About 9/11 on PBS

The FBI has blocked two of its veteran counterterrorism agents from going public with accusations that the CIA deliberately withheld crucial intelligence before the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.

FBI Special Agents Mark Rossini and Douglas Miller have asked for permission to appear in an upcoming public television documentary, scheduled to air in January, on pre-9/11 rivalries between the CIA, FBI and National Security Agency.

I have no idea how significant this is, if it all. Given that Bush ignored a report saying bin Laden was ready to strike at the US, you have to wonder whether live action movies of the strike teams doing a dress rehearsal would have done any good.

Posted in 9/11 & Aftermath, Politics: Tinfoil | Comments Off on FBI Keeping Lid on 9-11 Complaints

Look, We Worry About This Stuff

A Dallas-Fort Worth newspaper reports that someone — the Secret Service? — ordered that security be dropped at an Obama rally yesterday. In Dallas. (Please, stop the flashbacks….) | 02/21/2008 | Police concerned about order to stop screening: Security details at Barack Obama's rally Wednesday stopped screening people for weapons at the front gates more than an hour before the Democratic presidential candidate took the stage at Reunion Arena.

The order to put down the metal detectors and stop checking purses and laptop bags came as a surprise to several Dallas police officers who said they believed it was a lapse in security.

Dallas Deputy Police Chief T.W. Lawrence, head of the Police Department's homeland security and special operations divisions, said the order — apparently made by the U.S. Secret Service — was meant to speed up the long lines outside and fill the arena's vacant seats before Obama came on.

(spotted via The Agonist)

If this came from the campaign — and I hope that's where this originated — there's no story here except how blasé they are about security. You have to wonder if they are thinking straight. Even if it means empty seats for the cameras.

If it came from the Secret Service itself, we need to know a lot more, and fast.

The Secret Service has in the past enjoyed an excellent and largely non-partisan reputation, but this has been greatly tarnished by its role in restricting lawful and peaceful anti-Bush protesters, helping the White House hide records relating to Jack Abramoff's White House visits, and arresting a citizen who had the temerity to tell Dick Cheney that, “I think your policies in Iraq are reprehensible” — and then fabricating a criminal charge, orchestrating a cover-up.

And then there's a case, which has been running for eight years (!), in which almost 60 African American secret service agents allege that they were subjected to racial epithets at work and that white agents with lower scores on promotional exams got better assignments or promotions above them. Although the case is still in procedurally early stages, the judge has repeatedly sanctioned the Secret Service for failing to comply with court orders to produce evidence. Not only has the Secret Service's general stonewalling tactics got it into trouble, but in recent testimony the Inspector in charge of producing evidence to the court, one Carrie Hunnicutt, admitted destroying documents two days before testifying despite a court order to preserve all evidence.

We really really don't need any doubt about the Secret Service's willingness to protect Barack Obama.

Much ado about nothing?

[Update: See Secret Service Says Low Security is All Part of the Plan]

Posted in Politics: Tinfoil | 21 Comments