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No, this isn’t a post about Bret Kavanaugh’s high school or college drinking. It’s about the blog. It seems discourse.net is getting hammered by bots trying to break in to it, so the site has been up and down like a yo-yo for the past 24 hours or more.
I’ve spoken to tech support, and their only suggestion was to activate Cloudflare. That comes in two flavors on my host. One is free, but requires some changes, including to the site certificate. The other is $120/year, which would practically double my hosting costs. So I’m going to try to wait it out a bit before maybe changing hosts or something.
Meanwhile, on the subject of Kavanaugh, a friend from Yale writes:
Just for the record, I overlapped with Brett Kavanaugh at Yale Law School. However, I did not know him. The only Kavenaugh I was then aware of in the Yale community was Kavenagh’s, a great burger joint which featured a cheeseburger made with blue cheese. I can testify wholeheartedly to the fine character, intellect, and morals of that burger. Perhaps it should be appointed to the Supreme Court.