I would like to hire one full-time or two part-time summer research assistants for the coming summer. UM 1Ls are as welcome to apply as are UM 2Ls. In either case, if it works out, you could continue on a part-time basis during the school year if you wanted to.
It would be best if you could start very soon after exams finish. If you wanted to, you could take a break at some time in the summer.
About half the job (or the job for one of the part-timers) primarily involves helping me edit and manage Jotwell.com. The other half (or the other job) primarily involves assisting me with legal research relating to papers I am writing on privacy and on Internet regulation. Both jobs may entail a bit of occasional scut work as the law school is making me move all my files to make way for new construction on the third floor.
Both jobs require someone who can write clearly, and is well-organized. If you happen to have some web or programming skills (some or all of WordPress, HTML, MySQL, Perl, Debian), that would be a plus but it is not in any way a requirement.
The pay of $13 / hr is set by the university, and is not as high as you deserve, but the work is sometimes interesting.
If this sounds attractive, please e-mail me the following with the subject line SUMMER RESEARCH ASSISTANT 2011 (in all caps), followed by your name:
- A note telling me
- How many hours you’d ideally like to work per week
- When you are free to start.
- Your phone number and email address.
- A copy of your resume (c.v.).
- A transcript of your grades (need not be an official copy).
- If you have one handy, also attach a short NON-legal writing sample. If you have none, I’ll accept a legal writing sample (whatever you do, though, please don’t send your LRW memo).
i strongly desire to work with LPO