Herald Cites Discourse.net in “Best of the Blogs”

I just this moment noticed that the Herald “Best of the Blogs” column, which appears on page two of the Local section, today lists my post I Just Got Push-Polled in the Coral Gables Election as one its three recommendations.

No one mentioned this to me in person or by email, making me wonder if anyone is reading that part of the Herald….and it doesn’t seem to be online either.

Meanwhile, I have a followup post regarding Gonzalo Sanabria, who — get this — called me up on Thursday when he saw the original blog item and (very nicely) asked to meet me to discuss it.   We had coffee this morning.  I hope to post an account of it this evening or at latest tomorrow, but I still have some work preparing for class to do first.

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5 Responses to Herald Cites Discourse.net in “Best of the Blogs”

  1. mfr24 says:

    the Herald finally got something right!

  2. Just me says:

    “No one mentioned this to me in person or by email, making me wonder if anyone is reading that part of the Herald”

    I have to admit I did not know that the Herald had such a section. I should pay closer attention.

  3. Just me says:

    And of course, the blog deserves the recognition. Congratulations Michael.

  4. mkhall says:

    I got one of those last autumn for a post about History MIami’s graveyard tour. It was print edition only, included a shortened URL, and didn’t mention my name or the name of my site (Hidden City). Why would you limit something with hyperlinks to the print edition?

    Congrats on the mention!

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