- It's guess it's good to know I can still be shocked: Polling For A Plan —- BP asks child psychiatrists for advice
- I suppose I'm too old to make proper use of Ian Ayres's advice on how to diversify risk across time?
- A Miami TSA airport screener, agitated at continued ribbing after colleagues saw his body parts in an imaging scanner, attacked a colleague, police said. But, Saying `no' to TSA's full-body scans may come at a price
- Today's tracking poll: Sestak and Specter tied!
- Dan, Obama Administration Demands Amnesia From Reporters Covering Gitmo
- IGPBlog Groundhog Day: 10,000 reminders of why ICANN’s public comment period on the .xxx domain is stupid
A Personal Blog
by Michael Froomkin
Laurie Silvers & Mitchell Rubenstein Distinguished Professor of Law
University of Miami School of Law
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All opinions on this blog are those of the author(s) and not their employer(s) unelss otherwise specified.
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As to “IGPBlog Groundhog Day: 10,000 reminders of why ICANNs public comment period on the .xxx domain is stupid”, attempts to use the link say:
Fixed, I hope. (It’s http://blog.internetgovernance.org/blog/_archives/2010/5/7/4523393.html)
If not, the link works if copied and pasted in a new window.
Professor Froomkin,
I don’t know if I’m violating Discourse.net protocol by raising an unrelated subject, or if you would even be inclined to answer, but I was wondering if you had any thoughts on Elena Kagan.
Just curious.
Some of my friends are for it, some of my friends are against it, and I stand with my friends.