What My Students Think of When They Think of Halloween

One of my students, Eric Neff, tells me he has “carved a pumpkin in my image” and sends along this photo of the “frumpkin”:


I think it looks more like one of the Marx Brothers….

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7 Responses to What My Students Think of When They Think of Halloween

  1. this is the funniest thing i have seen. the likeness is uncanny… the bow tie is priceless!!

  2. Orin Kerr says:


  3. Jim Tyre says:

    I always figured that you were at least a Marx cousin.

  4. Name says:

    Do you still have those big rubber hands/claws?

  5. Kat says:

    But it’s not tall enough!

  6. Rhodo Zeb says:

    Funny. Great job to the carver, really impressive!!

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