Category Archives: Politics: FL-25/FL-27

David Rivera – Candidate as Demolition Derby Driver

This CBS4 story treads gingerly on the subject, but from the facts presented it would be possible to conclude that back in 2002, local GOP Congressional candidate David M. Rivera tried to drive a truck off the Palmetto Highway in order to insure that highly negative campaign mailers by his primary opponent did not make it to the post office in time to be mailed.

According to Howie Klein, the mailers were the ones that first revealed the domestic violence charges against Rivera.

Earlier posts: More Dirt on David Rivera (8/6/10); This Could Be an Interesting Lawsuit (7/28/10).

Posted in Politics: FL-25/FL-27 | 2 Comments

More Dirt on David Rivera

Via DownWithTyranny!, more bad stuff about David Rivera: Will Florida Republicans Put Up With A Candidate Who Beats Up Women— And Then Lies About It? (That post includes a copy of an amazing anti-Rivera campaign flyer from 2002. Miami politics is was and remains the home of the brass knuckle approach to campaigning. Note the caveat: “It is not clear if the woman photographed is Rivera's victim.”)

If you are Joe Garcia, would you rather the dirt comes out now and knocks off your most serious Republican rival, or rather have it come out after he's won the primary? That depends, I suppose, on the quality of the other candidates in the race, and I know very little about them.

Earlier related post: This Could Be an Interesting Lawsuit.

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This Could Be an Interesting Lawsuit

Today's Miami Herald has a report that raises as many questions as it answers about a dirty trick gone bad, originally aimed at Joe Garcia, the likely Democratic candidate for the open House seat in FL-25.

As I haven’t blogged much about this race previously, forgive me for taking longer than usual to set the scene, but I think the background is relevant.

The primaries are not until the end of August, but the smart money is for Garcia, who ran a strong campaign against an incumbent two years ago, to win the Democratic primary and face the likely victor on the Republican side: increasingly beleaguered state Rep. David Rivera. If fundraising numbers are any guide, both candidates should coast to easy wins over their less-well-known and underfunded primary opponents.

That said, Rivera has had a really, really bad month or so. (Bear with me.)

So, to sum up, the Rivera campaign has some reason to be feeling a little worried.

Utterly coincidentally, someone cooked up the idea of sending voters in Collier County a campaign mailer that tries to suggest that because he served in the Obama Energy department – as head of the Office of Minority Economic Impact – Garcia is responsible for the Gulf Oil spill. It also tried to suggest that Garcia, the former director of the Cuban-American National Foundation – is somehow anti-Cuban. Yes, really: see the Miami Herald’s Student's bizarre attack ad targets Democrat Joe Garcia (7/23/10).

The mailer claimed to be paid for by a newly registered independent expenditure group, a so-called 527 organization, called “Progressives for Prosperity.” The head of this group was a 19-year-old college student at FSU named Matthew Slider who claimed to be a Democrat supporting one of Garcia’s primary rivals. You can see a picture of the mailer over at the Reid Report.

That story didn’t last real long. Today’s Miami Herald reveals that in fact the moving force behind “Progressives for Prosperity” is Evan J. Power, a Tallahassee lobbyist and political operative with a history of dirty tricks. And the student whose name is on the registration papers, well, he’s angry and says he was conned (7/28/10):

Slider said he met Power through a friend, fellow FSU student Chris Spencer. Spencer and Power told him they needed a registered Democrat to head the political group and showed him copies of a positive mailer they planned to send out that outlined Meurice's best qualities. That mailer was never sent.

But it gets better. Not only does Matthew Slider now say (under oath!) that Power tricked him, but he claims that there is no way his organization could have paid for the mailers since it only ever had $100 in its bank account. As reported in the Naples Daily News,

“Evan Power told me that despite the difference in their political parties, he was supporting Luis Meurice and cited polls, which I never saw, that supposedly claimed Mr. Meurice would be a strong general election candidate versus David Rivera,'' Slider said in his sworn statement.

Lobbyist Power says someone hijacked the group’s name the very week he was creating it, and the mailers were a complete surprise to him. The lobby group that employed Power seems to have taken a dimmer view of the situation, as it has fired him.

The timing is especially suspicious here. According to the Naples Daily News,

Slider said he was assured that he would get to see and approve any piece of mail sent out by the 527 group and that no mail had yet been distributed.

What struck him most about the mailer, he said, was that it was sent from Miami on Saturday July 17, but the group wasn’t formed until Monday.

“It all just clicked,” Slider said. “I realized I had been duped.”

According to the Herald, “Garcia's campaign said it is considering legal action, especially since the bank statement shows money was never withdrawn to fund the mailers.”

Usually campaigns don’t like to get involved in lawsuits since it drains time and money away from the main task of reaching voters. But this is one time where I wonder if the lawsuit might not be worth pursuing. Discovery could be very interesting, as witnesses will have to explain under oath just how independent of Rivera they were, and where the money came from.

(Of course if they deny everything under oath, then it all grinds to a halt unless someone can find the printer.)

Posted in Politics: FL-25/FL-27 | 3 Comments

Joe Garcia Begins Campaign

Joe Garcia kicks off his campaign for Congress in FL-25, now an open seat, tomorrow at Miami Dade College's Kendall Campus at 11:30 AM in the Dante Fascell Auditorium (Room K413).

Unfortunately I can't make it due to a conflicting obligation, but I'd appreciate a report if anyone reading this goes.

Posted in Politics: FL-25/FL-27 | 1 Comment

That 50-State Strategy Needs Work

I was a big fan of Gov. Dean's “50-state-strategy”. Running candidates all over forces the other side to spread its resources. Allowing anyone to go unopposed means that their campaign funds can go to more marginal seats. Plus, by running candidates even if they don't win you build up infrastructure and good will, and that makes it easier to win when the tides and demographics turn.

So I was disappointed to see that the Democratic party failed to field a congressional candidate in four Florida congressional districts: the 1st, 4th, 6th and especially the 21st (where Mario Diaz-Balart is switching from the 25th district).

In case you are wondering (I was), the only Democratic candidate here in Florida's 18th is Rolando A. Banciella. I sure hope he ups his web presence soon — I couldn't find anything worth linking to.

Incidentally, there are “Tea Party” candidates in the 8th, 12th and 25th Districts — the latter being the one where Joe Garcia is making a second try, at what is now an open seat since Mario Diaz-Balart has jumped to the 21st. Will Joe Garcia hire Joe Trippi again, despite Trippi's taint of working on the sure-to-be-destructive Jeff Grenne campaign?

Posted in Politics: 2010 Election, Politics: FL-18, Politics: FL-25/FL-27 | 2 Comments

Open Seat in FL-25

OK, this is a bit complicated and very Florida. Bear with me.

1. Lincoln Diaz-Balart (R-FL21), who won a comfortable victory against a very flawed challenger in 2008, is retiring from Congress. Word has it that he's keeping his powder dry for a restoration of the ancestral kleptocracy in Cuba.

2. His brother, Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL25), who didn't win a huge victory despite a flawed campaign by a good challenger in 2008, is going to change districts and run from FL-21 instead of FL-25, because FL-25 is trending Democrat faster than FL-21, which remains a quality gerrymander.

3. Speculation is that Joe Garcia, currently heading the Office of Minority Economic Impact for the Department of Energy, may run again in FL-25. If so, I hope he runs a more grass-rootsy and less expensive-consultant-driven campaign. We don't need and can't afford Joe Trippi for this one. We do need a very experienced and organized campaign manger.

(More coverage in the Herald, Lincoln Diaz-Balart's exit from Congress sets off political scramble)

Posted in Politics: 2010 Election, Politics: FL-25/FL-27 | 8 Comments