My first thought was that this was an unusually good piece of Photoshop. My second was that it had to be an impostor or double.
But then I started to think, despite April 1 being just behind us, that it might be real.

And now I just don’t know: There seems strangely little coverage of this amazingly informal entrance to a serious conference, although I have found one other source reporting it as real. So goes the Internet.
Via South Florida Daily Blog: SFDB Cool Of The Day, via Jesus’ General.
[Insert #OBJoke about Obama skating through Presidency here.]
The YT vid’s fake. Between skating and greeting, the ghosting differs; for example, when he’s skating you can see distinct frames, and after he dismounts you can see a schematic videogame-like ‘walk cycle’ that isn’t synced with the frame rate. And, continuity-wise, between his dismounting walk and his embracing walk, his momentum and speed differ.