Upgrade to WordPress 3.1 Breaks Permalinks (Updated)

I upgraded discourse.net to WordPress 3.1 and while my front page is fine, and my data is fine, most individual blog posts are no longer visible but come up as not-found.

I haven’t lost any data — I can see the posts them in the post dialogs. But no one else can see them.

It seems to be related to the permalinks: I use custom permalinks of the form


If I switch to standard permalinks then all is well, but all my links would be broken, both internally and externally.

It’s not any plugins – turning them all off didn’t solve it.

I tried deactivating my child theme (I use a modified Twenty Ten theme); that did not solve the problem.

I tried installing the Permalink Fix & Disable Canonical Redirects Pack, and this didn’t fix it. [Update: which is hardly surprising, reading the fine print of that plugin, since I’m on a straight Debian box]

Other links, like the “older posts” link at the bottom of the front page, are broken too….

Can anyone give me some advice, please?

UPDATE (5:35pm): OK, the major weirdnesses are fixed, I hope, although I think there are still some subtle problems here and there. It seems I needed to have some plugins on, and some off, not all on or all off.

In the process of fixing things, though, I also lost the customization I had for some archive pages, that gave full-text of posts instead of little summaries without links. I’ll have to try to remember how I did that….

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3 Responses to Upgrade to WordPress 3.1 Breaks Permalinks (Updated)

  1. Jamie says:

    Sounds like your .htaccess mod_rewrite is broken somehow.

    Word press has an option to write those for you, if your file system permissions allow it. Otherwise, it offers a code stanza to copy and paste. At least, it used to- I need to upgrade and haven’t yet, so maybe someone else about this stuff changed.

    Anyway, check out, in the UI, settings->permalinks, and compare to your ~/.htaccess file.

    In the alternative, mayhap I have no idea what I’m talking about.

  2. Jamie says:

    Gah. Perils of iPad use.

    I meant “so maybe something else…”

    And I think the damn thing has it in for me. It tried to turn “Gah” into “Gay”.

  3. Luke America says:

    If this doesn’t solve your category/tag link list 404’s (pulldown and top level menus) when you have a custom permalink for Blog Posts, try this “action” function. It’s worked on every site I’ve tried (including multi-sites) WITHOUT having to tinker with .htaccess, change the existing permalink structure, or disable any installed plugins.

    The problem is with 3.1’s canonical redirect. Sometimes, just disabling the redirect fixes the pblm. But, if this doesn’t solve it for you, here’s a more extensive alternative hotfix link. Just put the code in your theme’s functions.php file.


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