- boingboing, Intel + DRM: a crippled processor that you have to pay extra to unlock
- Fred Clark finds Jackie at the crossroads
- Juan Cole explains why in a certain foreign leader's mind Ahmadinejad resembles Cyrus the Great
- Greenwald savages Obama's tone-deafness to progressive concerns in Obama's view of liberal criticisms
- Grimmelmann, The Mufti of Constantinople
- Kos, Before you say the country is moving to the right… (look at all the evidence to the contrary)
- The ugly world of constant souseveillance takes a giant step forward with the introduction of the $199 Looxcie (smartphone required); see also the smartpen AKA “The Pen That Never Forgets”
- Reid Report, Herald Tribune on Rubio: public fiscal hawk, private spendthrift
- Steve Vladeck, The Graham Bill and Detention Authority: U.S. Citizens and Material Support
- David Weinberg, The Internet as a human right (not what you might guess from the title)
A Personal Blog
by Michael Froomkin
Laurie Silvers & Mitchell Rubenstein Distinguished Professor of Law
University of Miami School of Law
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- Wendy M. Grossman on No Joke
- Brooks Fudenberg on I Voted
- Jermaine Chad Ingram on Some Thoughts about the Downballot (Voters’ Guide Part II: Judicial Retention Elections)
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