Miami is a “brain gain” zone, defined as “share of a county's population that is college-educated.”

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Nationwide, all types of metropolitan counties enjoyed a brain gain on average, with major metropolitan areas gaining the most. On average, nonmetropolitan counties that were not adjacent to a metropolitan area fared the worst. Somewhat surprisingly, all rural counties enjoyed a brain gain on average.
Are you sure you are interpreting this correctly? You said: Miami is a brain gain zone, defined as share of a countys population that is college-educated.
But, this map shows relative increase.
Given that Flori-duh isn’t exactly known for its home grown mental giants, it seems to be little surprise that from 1970 to 2000 the number of college educated residents would increase. Retired educated people have been flowing here for a long time.
I don’t think that anyone should look at this as an indicator that all that blue in the South means that the South is becoming a brain trust — its just better than it was back in the leaded gas days.
Since the map is a 30-year measure, the changes would reflect the rapid de-industrialization of the rust-belt. Also, rural counties in the North East see a huge exodus of “brains.” The map is probably a better reflect of capital outflows than anything else.
This reminds me of the comment that was made in the 1920s when there was a large number of Georgia residents moving to Florida: “That migration improved the average intelligence of both states.”
I guess it all depends on your starting point.
Clearly the unabated influx of “undocumented” workers into Florida from my country and others are the reason for the rise. I am sure there are similar raises in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and California. Therefore, my good friend George Bush should get much of the credit. Open borders, si!
Funny how the “red states” signify the uneducated and the “blue states” signify an educated population. Ironically, a “red state” is also a state known to be Republican, and a “blue state” is also known to be Democratic. Coincidence?
The average IQ of a Republican leaning red state is almost 10% less than the average IQ of a Democratic state… what a shame that these uneducated imbeciles actually have the right to vote, if I am elected President I would revert back to the time immediately following the civil war, and take away the Southern States rights to participate in national elections.
Funny how the “red states” signify the uneducated and the “blue states” signify an educated population. Ironically, a “red state” is also a state known to be Republican, and a “blue state” is also known to be Democratic. Coincidence?
The average IQ of a Republican leaning red state is almost 10% less than the average IQ of a Democratic state… what a shame that these uneducated imbeciles actually have the right to vote, if I am elected President I would revert back to the time immediately following the civil war, and take away the Southern States rights to participate in national elections.
Go Democrats, you make a great point. But I will have to protest to the UN if you try to deny voting rights to the non-“citizen” migrant workers living in your lands. But I do not think you will beat Barak Obama, anyway.
Vincente Fox,
Quit trying to pretend you are the Ex-President of Mexico!
Didn’t you hear the phrase “Be an individualist… one who follows another is always left behind!”
vincent, what it has to do with obama? everything is his fault?