Caroline is going to PUSH

I get invited to some pretty cool events, and even manage to go to some. But I’m not sure I’ve ever been to an event quite like the one my wife and colleague, Caroline Bradley, is going to in Minneapolis: PUSH 2006. Billed as “an experience first, a conference second,” they say it’s about the future,

Well, it’s happened. The dizzying and accelerating changes we’ve experienced over the last 100 years have finally brought us to the brink. It’s no longer sufficient to say we’re undergoing some changes, a few pokey paradigm shifts. Folks, we’re in the process of redefining life itself.

Reality, unreality, creation, spirituality, identity, power and meaning–our basic core human experiences are in a state of flux and redefinition. And what a wild ride it’s going to be.

Speakers from all over the world will gather at PUSH 2006 to discuss reality, its virtual variations, genetics, politics, biological miracles, ethics, emerging forms of social organization, and the questions such change raises for us all.

Caroline’s topic (which is something about money, the new financial order, and virtual worlds) is under the rubric “Social Dances: Networks, Power, and Meaning”. And people are going to pay $1,300 to hear her.

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