Belief, faith, call it what you will, it can be a powerful thing. Indeed, this powerful confession of belief by Thomas Schaller, Executive Editor of the Gadflyer, explains in a fashion even I can understand Why I Believe in Our President. Yes, there's much to ponder there.
A Personal Blog
by Michael Froomkin
Laurie Silvers & Mitchell Rubenstein Distinguished Professor of Law
University of Miami School of Law
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All opinions on this blog are those of the author(s) and not their employer(s) unelss otherwise specified.
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This is hilarious. Sadly, however, my hunch is that the people who’ve drunk the kool aid will fail to see the irony–and thus take it as a sincere endorsement.
If you were really mean, Michael, you might try posting this in the Elections and Polls thread you have going in order to bait Chuck & his fellow kool aid drinkers just to see if my hypothesis is correct.
Thanks for the wonderful link. I just hope we don’t get to see an update in four years. I don’t want to read, “I believe the best response against an Islamic fundamentalist network operating from a South Asian cave which used boxcutters to attack us is to invade Norway, and not just because they have lots of oil.” and “I believe the president nuked Iraq to secure liberty and democracy for the Iraqi people.”
Belief is something to operate by, not as a means of operation. You may believe in a philosophy but the philosophy itself is not derived from belief itself. Using your faith to create a context for your action is like living in the Matrix, which is fine if it doesnt affect other people, in this case one mans delusion is everyone elses nightmare except those who also choose to believe the Matrix is real.