The Historians' Committee for Fairness has issued a very strong letter condeming Michelle Malkin's latest book and those media outlets that promote it without at least giving some time for a contrary view. Which is what Fox wannabes do.
A Personal Blog
by Michael Froomkin
Laurie Silvers & Mitchell Rubenstein Distinguished Professor of Law
University of Miami School of Law
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This whole justify internment to give credence to a new rule on profiling scares the heck out of me. This is all Black’s fault, for even attempting to introduce the idea that you can segregate by race and as long as you can articulate some other reason for the policy, so be it…
I’m getting old and cranky, and my memory’s going, but didn’t I recall something from Brown about the inherent stigma in the use of race as a classification tool, regardless of intent?
Besides, who can possibly think we’re capable of adequately profiling according to race, when our president can’t seem to distinguish the Saudis from the Iraqis?
Primo Levi is a good antidote to this poison. I would encourage everyone to read his memoirs and pass them along to friends. He must be rolling in his grave right now.