Off to Cambridge (MA)

I'm off to Cambridge (MA) today. Tomorrow I speak at one event and probably listen in on another. I had thought to try to look up old friends, or newer friends, but it turns out that today is shot for socializing because I have to be on an 8pm conference call this evening, which pretty much messes up any chance of serious dinner plans.

But if anyone reading this knows me already and is interested in a late evening post-conference call beer in the general vicinity of Harvard Yard / Harvard Law School this evening, please drop me an email, ideally with a phone number. I land in Boston around 3, should make it to the hotel by 4, and they swear they have high speed internet in every room so I should get the message. (They better, as it turns out I have a lot of work to do before that 8pm call.)

Suggestions as to where to grab a quick, decent, solitary pre-call bite in that area also gratefully welcomed. Although I get up there ever few years, I really don't know my way around Cambridge (MA) at all. Cambridge (UK), that's another story.

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