There's wars on in Iraq and Afghanistan, the economy is tanking, it appears that someone in the White House will trifle with a CIA agent's cover for cheap political revenge, there's uncertainty as to the integrity of the ballot box, but down here in South Florida, the local citizenry have their priorities straight and are sticking to domestic issues. For example, today's Miami Herald reports on the “crusade” by Homestead resident Cindy Adams to regularize the status of Miss Daisy.
Miss Daisy is not an undocumented immigrant washed up on these shores. She's native-born, but in an act of the rankest discrimination, the town of Homestead wants her rusticated just because she's a pig.
Ms. Adams is trying to right the injustice that threatens her porcine companion. The Miami Herald, a paper with a shrunken staff, shrunken news hole, and recent redesign by someone who was channeling USA Today is all over this story, with pictures, including this priceless one:

Not to be outdone when it comes to pork, Governor Jeb Bush has gotten out front on this essential issue of pigs rights, and has issued a proclamation saluting potbellied and other miniature pigs. But not too far out front. In keeping with the Jeb Bush strategy of never taking the visible lead on a red-meat (or is that a white-meat?) issue, our Governor didn't go as far as Alabama and Pennsylvania, which each proclaimed a “Minature Potbellied Pig Day”.
This sort of stuff is why local scribe Dave Barry has to keep saying “I am not making this up.”