Off to SEALS 2009

I'm off to the South Eastern Associations of Law Schools (SEALS) 2009 conference today, but it's only a short visit as I'm back tomorrow. The conference is held in a swanky hotel in Palm Beach Florida, just up the road, so it's nice not to have to fly for a change.

I'll be speaking on a panel this afternoon entitled “Why to Visit Blog Sites? Which Ones?” (I did NOT pick the title!). I'm going to talk about a big blog-related project I'm planning, and which I'll write about here very soon, when I have more time.

When I was first invited we thought we'd make a family holiday out of it, as Caroline is speaking there later in the week. But then we decided to be away much more than usual this summer, so we shelved that, and we're going in shifts.

Interestingly, my panel is much transformed from its original group: several speakers had to bail because their schools cut their travel budgets.

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2 Responses to Off to SEALS 2009

  1. Ann Bartow says:

    Hope you had fun.

  2. michael says:

    It was a fine panel, but a somewhat alienating conference experience: most folks there knew each other, but I didn’t know them. Felt a bit like a fish out of water…

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