Southern District of Florida Blog has a good round-up on The US Attorney Interviews. We have a great panel and it is reassuring to read that it seems to be faced with a choice of several high quality candidates.
I just want to emphasize one large and one small point. The large one is the elephant in the room that the author of the blog post is too polite to mention: both the panel's questions and most of the answers are an at least implicit indictment of the tenure of the former US Attorney, now a law school Dean (apparently without tenure?) somewhere in this area.
The small point is that I was pleased but not surprised to read of the good questioning by panel member Justin Sayfie. Mr. Safyfie, now a big player in state GOP circles, was one of the best students I ever had. There are a lot of other very fine people on that panel, not least Georgie Angones from the UM law school administration, but it's especially nice to see former students not only doing well but also doing good.