Is it just me, or does it seem that everyone — co-workers, the radio, the print media — is still taking a quiet mental victory lap?
A Personal Blog
by Michael Froomkin
Laurie Silvers & Mitchell Rubenstein Distinguished Professor of Law
University of Miami School of Law
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Michael, are you suggesting that the radio and print media wanted Obama to win? 😉
No, just that they’re reflecting the sentiments of the people they interview.
It’s pretty clear that pre-Palin the media was in the tank for McCain (after that it got more complex and confused). And their owners certainly were.
Absolutely right, you could tell that it was the selection of Sarah Palin that forced Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews to start supporting Obama. Before that they were totally in the tank for McCain.
The two or three liberals on MS-NBC are hardly representative of the media at large. Consider the people and organizations with the large audiences — Rush Limbaugh, the Associated Press for example. Most TV is and was Republican, both in ownership and editorial slant. Most newspapers are owned by Republicans, and most editorial boards — excepting a few of the best papers like the NYT and the LAT, tend to be editorially conservative. The Washington Post is now rar to the right. The Miami Herald is pro status-quo and development. And so on.
Well, the British media have generally been pro-Obama. Sky News which is owned by Rupert Murdoch of Fox News fame quibbled a bit, but you wouldn’t see that now–very Obama oriented.
Mind you the one person we haven’t heard from at all in the media here is Tony Blair. He’s obviously going to miss his pal, George. Maybe they can get in a quickie war with Iran before inauguration….