- The week that should have ended McCain's presidential hopes
During this past week: McCain called the most import entitlement program in the U.S. a disgrace, his top economic adviser called the American people whiners, McCain released an economic plan that no one thought was serious, he flip flopped on Iraq, joked about the deaths of Iranian citizens, and denied making comments that he clearly made – TWICE. All this and it is not even Friday! Yet watching and reading the mainstream press you would think McCain was having a pretty decent political week, I mean at least Jesse Jackson didn't say anything about him.
- Crooks and Liars, John McCain: “I hate the bloggers”
- Crooks and Liars, Candidates playing for high stakes (in more ways than one) (McCain's gambling contrasted to Obama's
- Mother Jones, What's John McCain's Technology Policy? Surprise—he doesn't have one. See also, TalkLeft, McCain's Plan to Further Weaken a Struggling Economy
- Carpetbagger, When a candidate unveils an economic plan — without any numbers
And here we are, just four months from Election Day, and McCain is presenting a bizarre economic plan, which doesn’t make any sense on its face, and which also lacks any and all support from the campaign itself. Knowing we might look at the numbers to see if they add up, the McCain campaign decided not to include any numbers.
There’s a $410 billion budget deficit, which McCain will eliminate in his first term. How? He just will. He wants to cut taxes by about a trillion dollars. How can we afford it? We just can. McCain realizes the value of the dollar is down, and he’s committed to reversing this. How? He just will.
I’ve seen more details from candidates running for student government.”)
See also DeLong, John McCain Leaves Budget Reality Far Behind… & DeLong's esprit d'escalier at John McCain: The Budget Policy of an Underpants Gnome!. And for cleanup, the Carpetbagger Report again, On 'saving' Social Security, Obama and McCain do more than just ‘diverge’, which explains who McCain's non-math can't possibly add up unless you do terrible things.
- TalkLeft, Librarian Booted From McCain Event in Denver. They threw out a 61-year old librarian from a public meeting for carrying a sign saying the most evil thing you can imagine: “McCain = Bush”. Yes, it's the Bush Bubble all over again. See the movie. Plus she gets her 6:08 minutes of fame on MS-NBC:
- Carpetbagger, McCain falsely accuses Obama of having ‘changed his mind’ on Iraq
- McCain on Rights of the Disabled (he's against increasing them)
- Might be time to revist the Carpetbagger's McCain Flip-flop list … over 60 and counting…
- McCain staff hiding from hard questions
- Kos, If You Think McCain's Campaign Is a Mess … just imagine what his White House would look like.
- Crooks & Liars, McCain Gets Testy With Vet Over GI Bill
- MotherJones Blog, John McCain Thinks Social Security Is A “Disgrace” (also more at Carpetbagger Report, John McCain labels the Social Security system a ‘total disgrace’)
- Crooks & Liars, John McCain Makes Another Crude Joke About Killing Iranians
- Washington Times, McCain adviser talks of 'mental recession'…see, those high prices and lost jobs, those are all in your head. And then, the followup: HuffPo, McCain Campaign Initially Stood By Gramm Remarks
- Jake Tapper, ABC, Defensive McCain Campaign Emails Out Youtube Clip of McCain Bashing Own Economic Adviser
- Oh-oh, It's another McCain moment — can't he keep any stories straight?
- RuralVotes.com, Flashback: McCain Also Clueless, Out-of-Touch About Condoms & STDs
I plan to write in Jesse Jackson for President, and D. Marvin Jones for V.P.