I'm not much into compiling 'top 10' lists and 'best of' lists, but I enjoy reading the good ones. This one, from Glenn Greenwald, is one of the good ones: Favorite quotes of 2007.
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by Michael Froomkin
Laurie Silvers & Mitchell Rubenstein Distinguished Professor of Law
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I reject any list that doesn’t include these gems:
“I do know that we have not succeeded [in Iraq] as fast as we wanted to succeed.”
–G. Bush
Q: You know, going back to September 2001, the president said, dead or alive, we’re going to get him [bin Laden]. Still don’t have him. I know you are saying there’s successes on the war on terror, and there have been. That’s a failure.
A: Well, I’m not sure — it’s a success that hasn’t occurred yet.
–Fran Fragos Townsend, White House homeland security advisor