Senators Schumer and Feinstein have demonstrated that they have no regard for democratic principles — and none for Democratic principles either — by announcing that they plan to vote for AG nominee Mukasey. Not the first betrayal from Feinstein, but a new low for Schumer.
- The Enablers Of Evil
- The Royals Love a Good Torture
- Schumer and Feinstein Say Yes To Waterboarding
- Schumer, Feinstein to Support Mukasey: David Addington Smiles (The Washington Note has it right here: “Why did Dems take control of the Senate anyway?”)
- The unique weirdness of the AG nomination
- Breaking: Feinstein & Schumer Cave – Will Vote For Mukasey For AG
Term limits are looking better every day.
DiFi, ugh. Nothing personal, but it’s really too bad Dan White didn’t have it in for her, instead.
Schumer, I shrug. Sure, Mukasey’s yet another authoritarian.
We get the government we deserve.
Oops. Corrected. Thank you.