Another Great Capitalist Moment

At the conclusion of a scary, at times rebarbative, summary of the 'Values Voter' (what are the rest of us? valueless? devalued?) summit entitled I go to the 'Values Voter Summit' so you don't have to, we find this gem:

I'd like to give a shout-out to Lambda Rising, an iconic gay bookstore not far from the Hilton Washington, where the Values Voter Summit took place. Walking by the store during a break Saturday afternoon, I was amused to see a sign in the window reading, “Attention, Values Voters! Show your badge and get 20 percent off.” I's good to know that the entrepreneurial spirit lives, and my guess is that most of the guys from the 'ex-gay' ministry booth were down there the minute the conference ended.

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One Response to Another Great Capitalist Moment

  1. LACJ says:

    Heh. Nice catch.

    Yon Carpetbagger is in a bit of a pickle, or maybe its the catbird seat.

    He is such a great writer that everyone wants him to contribute to their sites, but he may lose hits as a result. I know I go there less often because I see his posts everywhere, and I do not know if I will get new content or not.

    The man needs to syndicate himself. He is already halfway there, hope he can make (has made) the transition.

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