We’ll Try Harder

Top 20 Law Schools for Hispanics (with the percentages of Hispanic students and faculty for the Top 10 schools):

  1. New Mexico (27%; 22%)
  2. Miami (12%; 8%)
  3. Texas (17%; 4%)
  4. USC (16%; 6%)
  5. American (14%; 6%)
  6. Florida State (8%; 7%)
  7. Arizona State (15%; 7%)
  8. Stanford (11%; 7%)
  9. Arizona (12%; 8%)
  10. Florida International (28%; 17%)
  11. UCLA
  12. BYU
  13. George Washington
  14. Florida
  15. Illinois
  16. Colorado
  17. Connecticut
  18. San Francisco
  19. DePaul
  20. Southwestern

via TaxProf Blog.

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2 Responses to We’ll Try Harder

  1. NewMexiKen says:

    Interesting that HispanicBusiness.com’s headline is “Top 10 Best Law Schools for Hispanics.” Shouldn’t the top 10 best law schools for Hispanics roughly parallel the top ten best law schools period?

  2. mojo_lite says:

    On behalf of the progressive gestapo, please immediately cease and desist in your trolling, lest we be forced to tase you, bro. Your pro-meritocracy rants aren’t welcome, troll.

    What are the top 10 Best Law Schools for Jews, michael? Asians? Whites? Show this troll that the legal community really does care about segregating minorities into “incubators” where they can really flourish. Surely you have some thoughts on which Law schools are best for particular minorities…please share!

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