Two years later, I'm no more optimistic than I was when I wrote Rose Burawoy, Political Scientist. Less, rather.
A Personal Blog
by Michael Froomkin
Laurie Silvers & Mitchell Rubenstein Distinguished Professor of Law
University of Miami School of Law
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I didnt know of this blog two years ago but, after reading the original post and seeing how things have evolved, I would also say that there are more reasons for concern now than before. However, that doesnt mean that Im more or less pessimistic about the issue (state abuse) a truly concerned person cant afford such a feeling, its unpractical: the enemy feeds precisely on this kind of individual weakness. One example (of many, including Prof. Froomkins efforts from this blog) of the right approach (Ive done a search and havent been able to find any reference to her in this site): Jesselyn Radack ( A brilliant lawyer with a promising career in the Justice Department, she was fired, smeared and blacklisted after blowing the whistle about the misuse of relevant information in the trial against John Walker Lindh (the American Taliban). Add to this multiple sclerosis and being the mother of three young children. Did she give up? No way. Shes suing the government and pursuing her legal career as a speaker, writer and teacher in legal ethics.
“Granite Shadow”
After 9/11 I understood (tho didn’t agree with) the desire to hurt someone who at least looked like the suicide bombers. Bush’s cowboy/bully approach obviously appealed to many folks as ‘strong leadership.’ But the bungling (?) of the Katrina aftermath (KatrinaGate?) has shaken me. Greed I understand. Revenge I understand. BushCo’s blandly ignoring the suffering and death of fellow Americans has truly shaken my foundation of optimism. Maybe the species that inherit the earth will learn from our mistakes. Shit.