“It is a common custom to refer to the usual complication between one man and two ladies, or one lady and two men, or a lady and a man and a nobleman, or—well, any of those problems—as the triangle. But they are never unqualified triangles. They are always isosceles—never equilateral. So, upon the coming of Nevada Warren, she and Gilbert and Barbara Ross lined up into such a figurative triangle; and of that triangle Barbara formed the hypotenuse.”
—O. Henry Schools and Schools.
Researchers Map The Sexual Network Of An Entire High School:

more (via Boing Boing).
Judging from the diagram, we have one gay and one lesbian relationship among the nearly 1000 students. I’m guessing that serious underreporting is going on here.
I believe I know who the starting quarterback was.
This gives new meaning to the term “outlier”. How would it feel to be one of those poor guys/girls out on the end of one of those long multi-branched chains?
Back in my days at an institution of higher education that will remain nameless, an equivalent enterprise in sexual cartography (the “snog web”) was undertaken each term by the editorial staff of the college gossip sheet and posted around campus. Without the comforting blue-and-pink-dotted anonymity, however. Probably not a good idea in the more litigious landscape of the American university.
“Metro Goldwin Moskva buys movie rights for six million rubles, changing title to ‘The Eternal Triangle,’ with Brigitte Bardot playing part of hypotenuse.”
You can also spot the captain of the cheerleading squad. Or maybe it’s the homecoming queen. Or both.