WTO Says US Prohibition of Online Gambling Violates GATS

JURIST reports

The WTO sided with the island nation of Antigua and Barbuda, ruling that US legislation that criminalizes online gambling is in violation of global trade law. In a 287-page report released Wednesday, the WTO concluded that the US inconsistently applied gaming law so as to prejudice foreign countries, in violation of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS).

I guess I have to read it now. And GATS.

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One Response to WTO Says US Prohibition of Online Gambling Violates GATS

  1. This sounds even more disturbing when you just read (like I did) the comments on a post by Angry Bear on the subsidies that go from the blue states to the red ones.
    Elaine Supkis wrote there:
    “The people in California thought, if the vote for the Terminator, they will all become millionaires. Seriously, this desire for instant millionairehood lurks not so deep under our collective skin.
    This is a side effect of lotteries and gambling. I was against legalizing gambling and lotteries back in the seventies when the dollar was dying and we were all getting whack, economically. I said, “this will destroy our Protestant work ethic” and it has.
    People now work to pay off debt, not to build something solid for tomorrow. By the way, my deceased mother in law gambled ever week the last three years of her life “for the grandchildren”. She wanted to be a millionaire so she could shower them with money. Instead, she ended up broke and died and left them nothing.”

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