Sign of the times: T-shirts saying “Protect Our Civil Liberties” are now verboten at Bush rallies. Wear one and you will be ejected or arrested.
A Personal Blog
by Michael Froomkin
Laurie Silvers & Mitchell Rubenstein Distinguished Professor of Law
University of Miami School of Law
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At least the Republicans know which side they are on.. Self-awareness is the first step..
Silly people. Civil liberties isn’t a party-neutral issue.
Cheee-rist on a crutch, this just may inspire the stenographers and talking heads at CNN, NYT, et al. to get off their pampered butts and demand some accountability from the Bush gangsters.
Cheee-rist on a crutch, this just may inspire the stenographers and talking heads at CNN, NYT, et al. to get off their pampered butts and demand some accountability from the Bush gangsters.
It could happen. But I think it far more likely that an infinite number of monkeys will fly out of my butt and reproduce a flawless manuscript of Origen’s Hexapla.
. . . and reproduce a flawless manuscript of Origen’s Hexapla. On their first attempt.
On their first attempt. Cool. Do you think I can get away with only a single monkey? I’m thinking that would hurt a lot less. Not to mention all the time it would free up.