How Many Kings Have Their Own Blogs? Cambodia’s Does!

The Guardian has pretty good web coverage, and they carry a pointer to the web site of King Norodom Sihanouk

Each day, His Royal Highness King Norodom Sihanouk scribbles a few pages of French in his notebook, which is then scanned and posted on the internet ( in what is thought to be the first sovereign's weblog.

The royal blog has proved popular in Cambodia – as popular as any website can in a country where more than a third of the 12 million population live on less than a dollar a day. In part, this must be down to the king's decision to handwrite – as opposed to typing – his feelings, which affords a rare opportunity to read the royal state of mind. On difficult days, the king's memoranda are fissured with furious underlinings, scrawled with frantic disregard for page rules, along with bubbles of emphasis added in the margin. He also has a charming habit of separating his sections with three little Xs.

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