My Kind of Lolcat

Cheezburger, Inc. 2014 Transparency Report

Warrant Canary Statement:

As of February 5, 2015, Cheezburger has never received a National Security Letter, an order under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or any other classified request for user information.

I will go missing if Cheezburger ever gets a classified National Security Letter. Something we cannot talk about.

What’s a Warrant Canary? Glad you asked.

Government Requests for User Information:

Total Requests:

Total Complied:






User Accounts Affected

 US Subpoenas from Government  Zero 0
 US Civil Subpoenas  Nil 0
 US Search Warrants  Zilch 0
 International Requests  Nothing 0
 Emergency Requests  Nada 0
 National Security Requests  Zip 0

Spotted via Cheezburger Network releases very clear transparency report at the Inq.

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