Libyan Disconnect – Renesys Blog

In case you were wondering whether the Libyans were cutting Internet traffic like the Egyptians did, the answer is yes, then no, then yes, then yes and no, then no, then yes — but differently. The latest:

After a quiet week, we received reports tonight that Libyans in Tripoli were suddenly unable to use various Internet communications utilities. Examining the BGP routing table, we saw nothing unusual — all Libyan routes up and stable.

But our traceroutes tell a different story no responses from Libyan hosts. All of the Libyan-hosted government websites we tested i.e., the ones that are actually hosted in Libya, and not elsewhere were unreachable.

Google’s Transparency Report seems to confirm that their Libyan query traffic has fallen to zero as well click for latest:

The Youtube plot is interesting, suggesting that Google’s Youtube traffic from Libya has grown steadily all week. Tonight, however, we suspect that someone has turned off the tap on the Libyan Internet again, this time leaving the routes in place.

via Libyan Disconnect – Renesys Blog.

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